Czariku naciel November 7, 1978 in San Sebastian, Basque roots this young Polish encontrsu passion for art from an early age. At 20 years decides to conduct their professional lives to the vet. However, this fact did not imply a departure from artistic concerns but quite the contrary enriquecisu work and that such studies led him to travel and experience different countries and peoples. When discovered in his explosion of color and realism closer to the picaresque, find out as Barcelona and London inspired their works. Others where we find reflections of social reality was probably influenced by his stay for a year in Cuba. During year and a half studying Colombia always combining his studies with his passion for veterinary art. It is this stage the most erotic and sensual, erotic participating in an exhibition held at the University of UDCA in Bogot. After returning from Colombia, is set contact the artist Alfredo Bikondoa, who gave part of his study to work. Was ahdonde Czariku encontrla How to use other materials such as paint on their collages. After having drunk from many different sources, was in Padova, a town near Venice where the author had his most creative period as a time more productive. Czariku collages are inspired by everyday life, in an age where communication is everything, and information bombards us travs of major advertising campaigns. Czariku says that although his work estllena messages, in no case this has been done with deliberate purpose, but is in the development of it which begins to take shape and meaning. Dejmonos then take this flood of imagination and creativity which gives us the work of this artist. In the year 2007 is in Chile where estteniendo direct contact with the street art and photography.